Sunday, August 07, 2005

No Room for Stupidity

I promised raves, so here you go:

For years now I've consciously recognized something I think I've always known about you, my fellow humans: You're all a bunch of fucking idiots. Yes, you. You are an idiot. You probably know almost nothing about the world around you beyond the confines of some small division of the vast stores of human knowledge. You're ignorant. And, worse, you're arrogant. Not only are you painfully stupid, you're proud of it.

There are a few of you out there to whom this does not apply, but you are the vast minority, perhaps 1/1,000,000 of the population, and that's being generous.

Even those of you who seem to be caring, thoughtful individuals are only so on the surface. You still don't think beyond this moment and perhaps the next. You don't care what you're doing to the planet's ability to sustain your children or even yourself.

You can tell the ones who know this is true, the ones with just enough brain power to realize how stupid they are. They're the ones who make the barest of attempts to correct this fault in our species and fail miserably. They found religions and attempt social engineering, but they don't really do anything about anything. Then they get depressed and repressive and then fat and finally arrogant.

Let's take the case of dairy farmers. I live in the San Joaquin Valley of California, the richest farmland on the planet. (Or at least it was--It's going to go bad in the not-to-distant future becase we've dammed the rivers and drained the swamps that nurished the soil.) There are more dairy cattle here than there are human beings, some 2.5 million of these great methane-farting, -belching things, about 20 percent of the United States' population of milch cows. Each one of these tremendously stupid animals puts out about 20 pounds of pollution a year and if we had any brains at all as a society, we'd do something about this. Not only does the Valley have the best farmland in the world, it also has some of the worst air, beaten out only by the Los Angeles Basin.

So we're all going to band together to correct the problem, right? Of course not! The dairy industry is entrenched. It would cut into profits to correct this stupidity, so the dairy lobby fights tooth-and-nail to protect it's God-given right to turn our air into mud. Money changes hands and science gets shunted to the side. The rich bastards who run the industry don't fucking care about anything but their wallets, even though they already have more money than they will ever need in this lifetime or the children's. They're proud of what they've done! Worst of all, what they do what they're doing because they think they're protecting themselves and their families; instead, they're killing them. Idiots!

Then the guilt sets in. They know with absolute surity at some subconscious level that what they're doing is wrong. But their fear of not having what it takes to protect themselves and the ones they love drives them to damage their environment beyond its ability to provide for a population of humans of the size we've allowed ourselves to become. But, do they do anything about it? No. Why? They're idiots and cowards.

What about me? Yup. Me too.

Let the stream of abuse begin.


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