Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Why Americans FAIL

I was driving my kid to school this morning, doing 50 mph down a local street that's posted 55. Some a-hole, behind me since we were stopped at the stop light, decides he's not getting his money's worth at five miles an hour under the speed limit. His solution? Ride my ass.

Now, this is a two lane road, mind you. This jackass could have switched lanes and gone around me any time he wanted. But, no, the law says 55 and I was only doing 50. I had to pay.

For those of you light on math, the stretch of road we were traveling is almost exactly one mile long (he turned and followed me up Mooney Boulevard, so we both traveled exactly the same distance down Goshen Avenue from the stop light). At 50 mph, we covered that distance in 72 seconds. That a-hole wanted to go that extra five miles per hour. The difference? At 55, we would have covered that mile in 66 seconds, a gain of 6 seconds.

Oh, yeah, that's worth riding my ass and risking the lives of me, him and our passengers. Moron.

Now, how does this spell the end of the American dream? Let's call it the 8 percent idiocy. That idiot risked all for a gain of 8 percent efficiency, and Americans do stupid things like that all the time.

How many women have abortions? Less than one percent. Yeah, let's have a fit about that.

How many people are using evil drugs? A hair over 8 percent. Yeah, let's lock up one out of every 99 Americans over that.

How many Americans have died at the hands of terrorists on US soil? About 3,000, about 0.00001 percent of the population. Yeah, let's spend a trillion dollars and make war on two seperate fronts and kill hundreds of thousands of people over that.

Americans are arrgoant idiots who overreact to minor threats, who waste our energy on the margins, and that's why we fail.


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